Friday, July 31, 2015

Unsuspecting Dastardly Deeds

Chapter 16: It's All About Sex...

Literature has explored various story paths and situational outcomes; from following great heroes to victory or corrupted nobles to their doom.  Authors carefully illustrate worlds built in their minds to create new stories for their audiences. Each detail is thought over and edited until no other description can do the story justice. The goal is to create the most human and relatable character with a world that is equally as believable. From crossing of the threshold to a resolving conclusion, we as readers get to follow the main character through everyday life and all that they encounter. Their human achievements and downfalls are what make the characters so read to the audience, even their deepest and dirtiest thoughts. Sex and sexuality have been a part of literature and media since the dawn of time. It is a natural human characteristic that comes with age and discovery of new knowledge. Simply including it in a story makes for an odd and almost pornographic experience for the audience, so writers and directors have turned to blatant objects to symbolize and portray the thoughts and acts of sexual nature.  
But how could simple, everyday tasks and household objects secretly symbolize the sexuality between characters? It’s pretty simple. Sex sells. Even if you live a pure lifestyle, devoted to a god and removed from other people, the subconscious can create lewd thoughts, turning everyday objects into sex icons such as keys or a bowl. Writes face the challenge of making their characters as human as possible. As creatures made to reproduce, sex, or at least the thought of sexual appeal, is natural and therefor human instinct. To be able to portray human nature in text without making the readers or author feel uncomfortable, most writers stray away from the explicit actions. But then how can readers understand what the motive of the characters is? Simple. The subconscious will warp images to be more provocative than what they appear to be. Because of Haynes Code, the depiction of actors in sexual content was prohibited, even keeping husband and wife characters in different beds when they went to sleep. This became another obstacle for the portraying of sexual situations but this time in film. Directors turned to how authors suggest the idea without explicitly saying what is happening.

Just because a movie or a book is classifies for a certain target audience doesn’t mean that sexual content cannot be implicated through hidden symbols. It is widely believed that these innuendos can only be spotted but those whose subconscious is capable of understanding their meanings. If this is true, why haven’t we noticed any sexuality in children’s media? Maybe because we want our children to live ignorant to the filth that is the adult mindset but that has not stopped many writers and film producers from testing their capabilities. In Walt Disney’s cartoons, there has been controversy over whether or not some of the films content is categorical as adult content. Obviously there would be nothing in these films to disrupt the children’s rating that each movie receives, but Mr. Disney and his teams are trained just as writers of the 1900’s were. In TheLion King, the battle for male dominance between brothers over the Pride Lands demonstrates male and female encounters, implying that females can be “dominated” and must be in order to keep a fertile and healthy land. Once Scar overcomes his brother and became the King, the once fertile Pride Land is transformed into a land which suffers from drought and falls into darkness. This can be due to the homosexual characteristics that Scar possesses and because of that, fertility and reproduction are impossible under this new ruler.

Is this really the main idea for The Lion King? No. But it is an example of how various story producers can have a bit of fun, knowing that younger audiences may not be able to pick up on the small hints. Sexual expressions do not have to be in plain sight or even the highlight of a shot. They are kept hidden and only noticed by the trained or extremely attentive. That’s what makes them so amusing to older audiences. The more we observe media and literature carefully, the more innuendo we can discover in each story. 

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